Feb. 2022 Zoom Colors Workshop

Harnessing the Senses: The Poetry of Color

On February 8th, 2022 we held another very enjoyable and successful two-hour Zoom mini-workshop, the third in a series on the Poetry of the Senses by our veteran workshop presenter and Haifa group member, Elana Dorfman. 

Using sensory description keeps our poetry in the moment and develops a strong connection with the reader. This workshop focused on the sense of sight – and specifically, descriptions of colors and the associations they can create. Elana provided a list of colors and gave a couple of mini-exercises ahead of the main 20-minute writing period, in which participants were invited to write a poem based on what they discovered from the initial exercises.

Nineteen people registered for the workshop and seventeen actually took part. Once again our Membership Coordinator, Yochanan Zachantov, provided an online evaluation form, and all the attendees took advantage of it. Their feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with Elana’s presentation and conduction of the workshop being especially enjoyed.

Most participants managed to write one poem; one or two offered two.  From these poems we produced an e-chapbook of the event which was, as usual, distributed as a PDF file to everyone who attended.

Many thanks to Yochanan for his technical help, to Elana (who is also our Workshop Coordinator) for her able administration of the registration process, and to our Past President, Susan Olsburgh for handling the Zoom invitation process.